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When will we see release date and when we will we see war scenes ??


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On 11/29/2021 at 10:07 PM, ahmetol said:

 We are waiting until 2 years and this time is very long ..we saw only about diplomatic and trade scenes and where is war scene?? And when will we see release date?? We will wait again one year and we will see release date on steam 2023??

Always add 5 or 6 months from the first time you see battle scene

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If I had any say in the dev process, I would cut tactical battles out of the game and forget about it.

  • This is not total war, tactical battles are note core gameplay but just an optional eye candy content, which is very time and effort consuming to develop.
  • Tactical battles do not work for multiplayer they say is so important for them
  • In a single player most of the battles will be auto resolve anyway.

I would just stop pretending the game has to have everything in it. Instead I would make way more deep and engaging auto resolve battles with more player control.

No budget is endless. The more effort they throw on an optional side content the worse they will be financially no matter what sales happen to be. The game is already way way over the time and reasonable budget for a niche game it is going to be.

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Our generals will have special profile in war like a total war games or we will see again same general profiles in war??? And blood we will see blood in wars.??? YES i know this is not impirtant detail for  some players but this can be good for war atmospher

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4 hours ago, cyril said:

Will there new devolpers diary? The last one is from end of september

I fear the development of the game is currently stuck... Consider also the incoming xmas holidays ahead.

They'd be back into business around the 2nd hald of January, otherwise it would mean KOH2 is currently being abandoned.

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16 minutes ago, Lighthope said:

Yeah, a little strange that the Developer Diaries suddenly became silent.

Well, they need content to talk about. They wanted to talk multiplayer last time. If stuff is breaking and falling apart and they are redoing and redesigning bits and pieces over and over again, it is hard for them to decide what version to present.

Also, it is a lot of work for very small and declining audience. I personally would not even bother with small dev blogs. Most of the things are more or less clear, but it takes time and effort to make this content.

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7 hours ago, Lighthope said:

Yeah, a little strange that the Developer Diaries suddenly became silent.

It was getting ridicolous... I lost count but we should have reached Dev Diary n. 24 or something without showing that much.

As a natural reaction people would start asking for a Release Date since it was originally planned for 2020...

Better to stay silent if they have no clue concerning the release date, as said, i start thinking the
  might have been, at least temporally, abandoned.

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As William said, the game implies a lot of work. And as many said, one of the problems usually is the lack of communication.
But when we ask questions, sometimes we get answers, and we got them recently, about what was going on. Given the discussions on the Discord server, especially the precisions Veso/Frujin brought us, KoH2 is not abandoned at all. And that's good news! Though I wouldn't be against another devblog. :-)

Same as William, from what we know, and from what we see, there are chances the game will be released next summer (mast spring, I expected it to happen in spring 2022 at max). That's a realistic vision. And most parts have been done. Tactical battles, balancing, bug fixes (Veso told on Discord about a game where some weird situation that shouldn't have occured, but which did)... recording voice lines too. Among others. That's not a devblog but I'm totally fine with such infos, about which part of the game is being worked on, which progress the team makes... it's my own opinion, but I like to hear from the devs, from time to time.

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Personally, I prefer them to take the time and make a quality product.

If they launch the game in november 2022 it's fine by me. But it must be a quality game.

And yeah, the monthly dev diaries were a good idea and - despite the fact that I didn't have the time to follow all of them - I'd like to see them return, as a sign that progress with the game developing is made.

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I respect that thy need more time or whatever, but the stop on all communication (dev diaries etc.) is the real bother. Not to mention the official knights of honor website still has a 2021 release date banner in the top left corner. I'm super excited to play this game but the devs have to communicate better. I was so hopefully with all the dev diaries but now it's radio silence during the last month of their "supposed" release date.  I don't care if they don't have a new release window and might only release the game in 2023, I just want them to communicate. We're a small community and i think if they're gonna keep any sort of hype or following for this game during development, they need to be straight with us. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

In an age of instant gratification and unwarranted entitlement, seeing all this "when will it release" question over and over again, is not surprising.

It's not like this is is the only game on planet Earth soon to release or released.


More, I would advise you to wait at least 6 months since the release of this game. Because nowadays, the industry standard is to release buggy games at launch and fix them along the way with the help of the community.

But if you want to be an unpaid beta-tester and accumulate frustrations, go for it! 🙂

Edited by Zaza
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products are getting delayed all over the industry, so no wonder this game is delayed too.

I'm one of those who rather wait a few months longer for a better game, rather than getting a rushed one, which will immediately need tons of fixes. And I mean, even a well done game will inevitably need fixes after release, because no amount of beta testers can ever find all bugs.

I only hoe the have enough financial backing to get the release done when it needs to be.

Edited by Elvain
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6 hours ago, Elvain said:

products are getting delayed all over the industry, so no wonder this game is delayed too.

I'm one of those who rather wait a few months longer for a better game, rather than getting a rushed one, which will immediately need tons of fixes. And I mean, even a well done game will inevitably need fixes after release, because no amount of beta testers can ever find all bugs.

I only hoe the have enough financial backing to get the release done when it needs to be.

We're no longer talking of "few months longer", we are now in the order of years.

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6 hours ago, Riccardo said:

We're no longer talking of "few months longer", we are now in the order of years.

Sort of.

But when a game expansion of a quite big companies (Paradox) get delayed for more than half a year, it's no wonder, that an entire game made by far smaller studio can get delayed even more.

I'm not saying it's okay, I'm just saying that it's just what is happening througout the industry in last 2 years.

If they release something later, even if it's more than a year later, we're still losing nothing. We can spend our money and time on other things. Still it's better to wait than to buy a rushed and unfinnished product. Buying it would cost us money we could spend better, and time, we could spend better as well.

The only one who is losing here is the developer - game development costs money and they need to rearn them somehow. If they don't sell anything they will sooner or later run out of them.

So it's the developers whose interest it is first and foremost to have the game released ASAP. Let's be glad they are honest enough not to sell us half-baked product.

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  • 4 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Lighthope said:

No one is asking for a rushed game.

We're just asking for an updated projected release date.  We won't hold them to it.  Just update it again if necessary.  But at least keep us updated.

The only real indication of development progress is in-game footage. However, no matter what the dev progress is, it has little to do with a release date. Scope can extend or shrink and dates can move for pure commercial/market/publisher reasons. If they are not ready to publicly commit to a date - nothing can change that.

If you need ANY date - say August 13, 2022 and be done with it. You are not going to hold me to it anyway right? )

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