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RTS Battle Issue

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The game runs fine but whenever I go to start an RTS battle (either siege or open field battle) the game freezes at the load screen. I have to force close the game and restart it (but this doesn’t fix the RTS battles from not freezing during the load screen and having to repeat the entire process). Any suggestion on how to correct this? It’s pretty frustrating and RTS battles are one of the things I was looking forward to most on this. 

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  • THQ Nordic

Moved to  tech support.

@TemplarKnight633 can you please upload your dxdiag.txt and Player.log file after such a freeze occurred? 

How to get the dxdiag file:

https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/open-and-run-dxdiag-exe-dad7792c-2ad5-f6cd-5a37-bf92228dfd85#:~:text=In Windows%2C select Start and,for an easily shared format.


Your Player.log should be here:


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  • 3 months later...

Okay I have this exactly same problem.

When choosing "I'll lead" option on combat the game sometimes just ends up showing the load screen but sounds keep playing about "here is the enemy, here is our army etc" but I never get to see anything but the load screen.

Sometimes the game just crashes after load screen had loaded the combat. This instance it happened and here are my files:


Player.log DxDiag.txt DxDiag.txt

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • Developers

Hello, @DanB007 @arun  - if you are still encountering the same type of issue can you please provide a DxDiag.txt + Player.log + Player-prev.log - this will help immensely with investigating the matter. Please let me know if you need any info on how to provide me with those files. 

Thank you!


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  • 1 month later...

Greetings, I have a similar problem. The screen freezes when I click the "I'll Lead" option. Strangely it only happens when a settlement is being raided and I intervene. Battles load fine when fighting on open ground.

When it freezes I have to close the game down and restart.

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