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Gunpowder units in the late era


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Personally I feel gunpowder would introduce a massive shift in power balance. Could be an interesting mechanic to disrupt the game later on but I feel like it would be too disruptive.

Basically everyone not going full on Gunpowder will likely lose. Likely players (knowing this full well after at least a single game) will go all in on Gunpowder and beat 50% of the bot controlled kingdoms because of it. Assuming that some kingdoms would not got for Gunpowder so you can see the effect it historically had on the political landscape and because a Gunpowder rush would be no fun.

That being said, while games with lines of musketeers are fun to watch and play matches in, personally I don't see KoH as that game.

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It's rather simple: Ask the community if they like to have it: If a reasonable number says yes and if it is not to much a pain in the rear or time consuming to develope, do it.

BUT make an option to not have that Gunpowder in your tech tree, for those who don't like it.

The weapon that made a difference, based on gunpowder, in the late medieval was more the cannon than the early musket, because it teared down more or less any wall in a rather short time.

The early musket was still deadly, of course, but compared to later models very inaccurate. So you could say its shock effect was bigger than it's accuracy, not to talk about its range.

And it was not even granted that bullets would pentrate an armor. In fact there are armories (now museums, of course) that show dents of "bullet proof tests" of chest breastplates/armor.


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20 hours ago, Bora said:

It's rather simple: Ask the community if they like to have it: If a reasonable number says yes and if it is not to much a pain in the rear or time consuming to develope, do it.

BUT make an option to not have that Gunpowder in your tech tree, for those who don't like it.

The weapon that made a difference, based on gunpowder, in the late medieval was more the cannon than the early musket, because it teared down more or less any wall in a rather short time.

The early musket was still deadly, of course, but compared to later models very inaccurate. So you could say its shock effect was bigger than it's accuracy, not to talk about its range.

And it was not even granted that bullets would pentrate an armor. In fact there are armories (now museums, of course) that show dents of "bullet proof tests" of chest breastplates/armor.


Arquiebusiers could have an accuracy debuff if they exist as a unit.

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