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Kingdom advantages


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While playing old KoH was fun, I found that KA (Kingdom Advantages) were either too broken or just useless and the fact that resources were random made it sometimes too hard, since you had to go all over the map to get them or you got lucky and had them all in you kingdom. 

I know there is the new mechanic "Traditions" but I don't believe they will replace KA. So I hope they will balance out Ka, replace them (with Territory bonuses) or they could have them both.


My idea for the replacement would be Territory Bonuses. Basically it's what it sounds like. You own certain territory and you get bonuses.

For example:

- Be in possession of British isles and you get bonus movement speed while sailing,

- Control all Iberian peninsula and you get bonus while fighting Muslim kindgoms (since they are historically quite intertwined),

- Rule over Scandinavia and your troops will be more durable,

- Own all of Northern Africa and you'd have a bonus while fighting Christian kingdoms...


These are just an example of some bonuses that could be applied (any other idea would be appriciated). I belive that they would make game more competitive (especially multiplayer) and fun. Ofcourse you'd have these bonuses only while owning that specific territory and once you lose one province  (out of maybe 10 that would be necessary ) you'd lose that bonus, until you gain them all back. Again if they make something like this happen they need to be balanced and accessiable (I know that British isles aren't as accessiable to Suljuks as it is to the Norway, but you get my point 🙂 ). Same goes to the KA if they will keep it.

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Ok, this sounds interesting, I wll try add some things to it, hope it will only add to your idea and not break it (I am just spitting numbers and this will surely need a lot of balancing)


  1. The bonuses can be scaled - e.g. Controlling the whole Iberian peninsula grants you 10% bonus dmg vs Muslim armies, controlling 70% of it could grant you 5% bonus dmg, and controlling 30% - 2% - this way you have some bonuses to start the Reconquista.
  2. These regional bonuses could be complimented by the Marshalls' skills - e.g. if you control the Russian Steppes your army can get movement speed bonus, so your general don't have to use skillpoints for movement and can focus on other skills.
  3. I think there should be some downside for controlling many regions, cause stacking those bonuses will get extreamly punishing for the opponents and this may cause someone who controls two reagions close by to become unstopable early on in the game - e.g. Contrilling the whole Russian Steppe grants you 20% MS and controlling whole Scandinavia grants you 20% durability/unit HP - but controlling both you will get:
  • option 1 - both bonuses at 50% to balance it out - 10% MS & 10% durability
  • option 2 - Home Region(Capital City region) gets the full bonus and minor bonus for the other region(s) - Continuing the example for Moscow (20%MS & 5% durability), for Oslo (20% durability & 5% MS)
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Yea great topic. I also found that when you start to get kingdom advantages in mid to late game (when you don’t really need them).

Scalable option sounds great.

What about instead of controlling subcontinents you control cultures? (as I understand there will be some king of culture mechanics for rebels)

And to make more unique kingdoms you could get bonus only from your main culture (maybe capital province culture?).

Edited by Bigboi
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On 2/11/2021 at 8:12 PM, WestAnt said:
  1. The bonuses can be scaled ...
  2. These regional bonuses could be complimented by the Marshalls' skills ...
  3. I think there should be some downside for controlling many regions, cause stacking those bonuses will get extreamly punishing ...

1. I am not really a fan of scaling since I liked "All or nothing" approach in KoH with Kingdom Advantages, since it's more strategic. You need to make some compromises like "Do I want to start a war to get that one province I need or do I keep peace and get nothing" ... That's just my opinion tho 😅

2. That's acctually a great thought and I like it 😃

3. Yeah I totally forgot about negative side. That should totally be included since bigger and stronger kingdoms don't need that much bonuses or it will break a game.

46 minutes ago, Bigboi said:

What about instead of controlling subcontinents you control cultures? (as I understand there will be some king of culture mechanics for rebels)

Yeah I don't thing that could work, since the whole idea to keep people happy is to have similar cullture and to convert them to your religion to keep the tension down and have as little rebels as possible.

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