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A suggestion for the autoresolve battles


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Hello there, Dear Devs,

As far as I can figure, the autoresolving of the battles, on the strategic map will be a big part of the game. Some players like me, will still want to fight the battles by themselves, however this may not be the case with most of the players, who will rely on their knights' skills and army composition to win the battles. So my suggestion is to bring more flavor and spice to the autoresolving of the battles, as follows:

What if we would be able to put the marshalled army in a stance to increase or, if the enemy outsmarts us, to decrease our chances of success. I was thinking of something like this - Aggresive, Balanced, or Defensive army formation, similar to the wedge, square or line formation. As far as I can remember, and as far as I have tested there was a distinct rock-paper-scissors effect of these three combat formations, namely wedge-cuts-line, square-blocks-wedge, line-overwhelms the front of-square. This brought a much needed, action packed, dynamic of the tactical battles, where you were supposed to outmanoeuvre the enemy with the right formation, in order to destroy a group of similar or stronger units.

Now I was thinking that the phase before the armies crush into each other, or straight on the strategic map, before the armies even have met, would be the time for you to select an aggressive, balanced or defensive formation of your whole army, in orded to counter the enemy's army formation. For instance if you have more archers, or spear units, you might choose defensive formation of your army, or if you have more cavalry, or heavy charge units as vikings, highlanders or axemen, you may choose aggresive stance, to increase your chances of success, and if you have more heavy infantry units, you may choose balanced. This would bring more action and intrigue in the game's autocombat system, which would bring many new flavors in the wars to come.

As I have said, this could be an entirely autoresolve focused mechanic, and would not need to affect the actual tactical RTS battles. (Which I am ever more eager to fight :) ) The aim of this suggestion is to bring more fun into the game, without spoiling the gameplay. You may choose the formation you will need, straight when you see the units, following the enemy's marhsal and thus try to outmanoeuvre his whole army, or they may choose the rock to your scissors, and gain the upper hand, by planning, cunning and strategic thought.

I hope that you will like this suggestion and give it a thought, Dear Devs, and Dear Community, as always, I am eager to see what do you think about it! :)


Kind Regards!

Sir Yavor

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5 hours ago, Yavor said:

What if we would be able to put the marshalled army in a stance to increase or, if the enemy outsmarts us, to decrease our chances of success. I was thinking of something like this - Aggresive, Balanced, or Defensive army formation

This would only work if you knew the composition of the opposing army, which oftentimes you do not.  Also, formations change due to the fluidity of battle.  What works for one moment may not work for the next, for any smart commander will react to what is happening on the battlefield.

All in all, I don't think this is workable.

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But you do know the composition of the enemy army - you can see their units following their marshal on the strategic map. Sieges may be an exception to that, and they may bring extra challenge, as you will be charging blindly, without knowing what cards the enemy holds. Besides, this suggestions is aimed towards increasing the fun of autoresolving battles. It does not aim to affect the actual battles, so if you would like to affect the fluidity of the battles, you should play them yourself, not autoresolve! 

This is just a simple suggestion to make the gameplay more fun and immersive, instead of just waiting to see whether you should retreat or not. That's all! :) 

Thank you for responding, though! I appreciate and respect your opinion! And every other for that matter.

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14 hours ago, Yavor said:

But you do know the composition of the enemy army - you can see their units following their marshal on the strategic map. Sieges may be an exception to that, and they may bring extra challenge, as you will be charging blindly, without knowing what cards the enemy holds. Besides, this suggestions is aimed towards increasing the fun of autoresolving battles. It does not aim to affect the actual battles, so if you would like to affect the fluidity of the battles, you should play them yourself, not autoresolve! 

This is just a simple suggestion to make the gameplay more fun and immersive, instead of just waiting to see whether you should retreat or not. That's all! 🙂

Thank you for responding, though! I appreciate and respect your opinion! And every other for that matter.

I agree with you that they could add more mechanics into auto resolving, but you need to ask first, will this make the game overwhelming? Like if you need to pick a strategy for every autoresolve battle it might be kind of frustrating since the whole point of autoresolving is to reduce the micro of the game not retain it. I am exaggerating a bit here because obviously a battle fought yourself is 95% more micro intensive then clicking a strategy for an autoresolve fight. But the point I am trying to make is I dont want autoresolve battle to force me to look at them in anyway. In KOH 1 I constantly found my self looking at battles to see if I was loosing to retreat, and I found THAT!!! ANOYYING!!! (wish they had a alert for losing battles) . Imagine if I needed to pick a tactic before a fight too?!?!!!! I would get soooo annoyed. 

(SIDE NOTE) I dont agree with Lighthopes comment that this cannot be implemented "workable", I have no idea why he claims that.

So what I propose, is something that is kind of focused on management BEFORE a battle/sending your armies out on the map. Having some sort of mechanic that gives some depth to the battles a Knight fights, but the mechanic happens before the battle even starts. A very simple one could be exactly what you suggest but you just set your army on that strategy before battles and they are just fixed on that. I suspect theres not interesting depth to that though cause every army composition will clearly have an ideal strategy that fits best, so the matter of choosing that strategy is not engaging. And if it was dependent on your Knights skill in cunning or tactics to see the enemy formation and thus counter it seems also like a shallow mechanic. 

Here is a crazy idea!!! You make an army, you click raid then the country you want to raid, and your Knight goes out on his own and raids that country. Or you click defeat in detail, and your Knight goes into the enemy territory and tries to kill weaker armies while avoiding stronger ones. Or you click siege + assault, and your Knight will first siege then assault when the defense are weak enough. Or you click siege, and your knight sieges to starvation. Or you click defense fighting, then your knight tries to take fights only in good positions which give him bonuses? 

I could even see you setting up some sort of scale or preference setting, going from like 1-3 for each tactic, that way your Knight does the first preference first then the next tactic after he completes or the current tactic is soo far away. For example, 1-Raiding, 3-defensive fighting, 3-defeat in detail, 1-siege + assault, 2-siege. Assuming 1 is most priority, your Knight would attempt to first Raid or Siege+Assault, (which ever is closer to him or some other sorter). Then he will siege if the other two fail or are not available. An defeat in detail if all others are finished or failed. 

Sorry for wall of text, but its kinda complicated and lots to say. But the summary is I dont want tiny mechanics on auto resolve battles that force me to look at my autoresovling battles. If you want more depth in autoresolving, it needs to occur somewhere else in the game I argue. 

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As much as this would be convenient for us players, for the Devs it would be a nightmare to implement all of our suggestions. However, I agree that stances/army formations, and all the details, could be clicked and chosen straight on the strategic map, before any battles. (I thought that I expressed that in my original post). I also think that an alert for your marhal to retreat if he is losing is quite appropriate, so you wouldn't have to do it manually. I just hope that the Devs are having a good time, making this game and it is not such an unbearable workload, as thoght it was for them. 

Besides, I made this autoresolve suggestion, as I believe that If the beta launches before Christmas, then the only option would be to autoresolve everything, as the Devs mentioned that they are not ready with the actual tactical battles, and these will need a lot more work. I believe that the manual battles will be disabled at lauch and will come at a later update. I wish them luck and good tidings in that! I'm also ok with delays.

As usual, good to hear from you, Sir Ivory Knight! (fistbump between two Sirs 😉 ) By the way, Ivory, you and Shoppo made a great stream! It was a pleasure watching it, and I also gained some insights, as well. Thank you!

Edited by Yavor
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