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Few important recommendations after a playthrough


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Just been playing as Wales, noticed a few things that I want to point out. 1. managing buildings. This one is big, once you get so many provinces it becomes tedious to go through and click each town and pick some random building, or even strategize a pick. It would be so nice if I could delegate my one of my knights or merchants to do the building for me and maybe tell them which way i want them to target building, like economical, or military, or so forth....or something. I want to spend my time with military and military strategy so maybe making options on having AI/knights do other things for you or something 

2. To easy to get and stay powerful. The initial game is fun as you can be small and be at war with people and it's competitive, but then after a short while it seems super easy to make lots of money and other countries don't seem very powerful even if they are much larger than you.

3. Need to be able to zoom in and out on maps and main screen much more and easier, and on the battlefield so that you can see the whole battle and click on troops without having to move the camera every time.

4. Army movement should be much faster. It makes for times when you have nothing to do but wait for army to get somewhere....and this slows the game down very much.

5. Speed of game, it seems in my opinion that knights of honor does some timing really well, but other not well. I think the pace of the game could both speed up a lot, and also slow down. For example the army movement is very slow, which speeding up just a little bit would make the game go much faster. It is still better than total war which takes forever to win a campaign, but I guess what I am saying is that Knights of honor 2 needs to pick the speed of the game. Total war usually takes forever, so must be saved and is difficult for multiplayer as you can't play in one sitting realistically. On the other hand is Age of Conquest which is very rapid and games take about 2 hours. Knights of honor 1 seemed to have elements of both, but i think it could significantly be improved, so that a short game feels long, and so a long game would feel short. 

All in all the more I play the game the more I like it compared to other grand strategy, but i see some areas that could easily be improved and make the game go from a B+ to an A+. I will comment more when I encounter other things to improve on


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6. too much property management as i mentioned above, should be ways to focus more on military strategy if the player desires

7. quicker ways to make population happy, like giving money. I have tons of gold and nothing to spend it on...oh how I wish I could give it to the people so the populations would stop rebelling. when more than half the battles are just fighting uprisings it gets kinda annoying...id rather be fighting other countries more often then my revolting people, and the way to make people happy shouldn't take so long, or at least their should be quick options if you don't want it to take so long.

8. Unlimited armies, or maybe army number corresponds to territory? One you might need more armies if you are fighting multiple fronts or the tons of rebels...Two a super giant country should be able to have more armies than a tiny nation, hence military strategy on expanding. Suggestion is maybe have a separate category for military where it is limited to size of country/number of cities captured?

9. Military stratgies, I didn't delve into this much in my runs of KOH because simply didn't need too. I would like there to be more reward for military strategies both in battles, and mainly on the main map. There didn't seem much importance to this and  I would like to see the varieties and rewards be better.

10. HUGE DEAL, when you are in battles there needs to be a way to somehow manage your empire on the world map as well, like delegate leadership to an official while you are in battle or something, especially if you are wanting to have multiplayer work. would be sad if you have to do an important battle but get super penalized because you can govern empire as well. Or also maybe have the option to fight battle, zoom out to map and govern, then zoom back in?

PS: KOH is a good game, these are things i think could make KOH2 even better!!!!

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Disclaimer: Everything I do not comment of I (sort of) agree with.

2. The hardest part of the game is to get big. After that it's only a run to the goal. There are some mechanics to increase difficulty if you are a big kingdom. If you did not care for your conquered provinces, you will soon be haunted by rebellions. Also, your hired knights will be more likely to be spies from other kingdoms and sabotage you. And if your king dies without a heir, you are in for a fun ride. But still, after you've got yourself some provinces, it's mostly a race to one of the early victory conditions (getting all kingdom advantages or being votes as ruler over europe).

4. & 5. Please tell me you know about increasing (and decreasing) the game speed, do you? You can pause the game aswell. I personally only play with speed set to 0.5 or 10 times the normal speed 99% of the time.

6. I personally like the province-management system. I just wished I could rearrange the buildings in a neat order. An option like you mentioned in point 1 would be a win-win for every player.

7. There is the possibility to reduce taxes to zero, which helps a bit.

8. If you read some of my earlier posts you will see that I am strongly against expanding the number of slots for royal court members. I think it would make the game an unbalanced mess. Most players wouldn't even use more than 3-5 marshalls simultaneously, since it isn't fun to micronamage more than a few moving entities on the world map.

10. There is a option when you start the game to pause the world map while you are in a battle. Only thing that then can still move are armies in range to call in a second army nearby.

Edited by Zerg
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11 hours ago, Zerg said:

Disclaimer: Everything I do not comment of I (sort of) agree with.

2. The hardest part of the game is to get big. After that it's only a run to the goal. There are some mechanics to increase difficulty if you are a big kingdom. If you did not care for your conquered provinces, you will soon be haunted by rebellions. Also, your hired knights will be more likely to be spies from other kingdoms and sabotage you. And if your king dies without a heir, you are in for a fun ride. But still, after you've got yourself some provinces, it's mostly a race to one of the early victory conditions (getting all kingdom advantages or being votes as ruler over europe).

4. & 5. Please tell me you know about increasing (and decreasing) the game speed, do you? You can pause the game aswell. I personally only play with speed set to 0.5 or 10 times the normal speed 99% of the time.

6. I personally like the province-management system. I just wished I could rearrange the buildings in a neat order. An option like you mentioned in point 1 would be a win-win for every player.

7. There is the possibility to reduce taxes to zero, which helps a bit.

8. If you read some of my earlier posts you will see that I am strongly against expanding the number of slots for royal court members. I think it would make the game an unbalanced mess. Most players wouldn't even use more than 3-5 marshalls simultaneously, since it isn't fun to micronamage more than a few moving entities on the world map.

10. There is a option when you start the game to pause the world map while you are in a battle. Only thing that then can still move are armies in range to call in a second army nearby.

thank you for the feedback zerg 🙂 I like a lot of what you said and will comment back

on 2. I really like late game hardness that other similarish games have, so I wish they would work on that. Cause after the initial hard start, it feels like im just coasting and what is the point without some struggle.

4,5. I literally found out about speed options a few hours after post lol, now i know. i wonder for multiplayer if they will have an option for what game speed you play at or something, but i really would like ideas on how to do multiplayer game speed because too slow means lot of people wont play as it takes too long...

6. yes option for an AI to province manage would be win win 🙂

7. yes zero tax, maybe more tax options in new game like levels from 0-5? I also want to use that money to pay off rebel armies and make then defend my lands or attack! that would be cool.

8. Hmm I do see points on limiting the number of characters like merchants, spies ext. , but I also like the idea of being a large or rich country being about to have a few more armies...well i guess well see 🙂 

10. Ya i saw that option, but i don't want the world map to pause while I battle, I want to somehow be able to do important things on world map and battle if it is possible...especially for the sake of multiplayer. Couldn't stop the world map while others battle, and while they battle they shouldn't have to cripple their defense of economy.


Thanks again for your feedback mate, if we don't speak our voices as the players how will we ever come to a consensus, or how will the game makers ever hear our opinions 🙂


PS: 11. I forgot to mention that as much as i like the intro, I really want an option to skip all the opening credits and so forth. Everytime is like literal minute of stuff i can't skip lol

Edited by Bassilisk
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I would like to add my thoughts on your list:

1. & 6.  For the old game i would like that option to order a knight to build instead of me, but I believe they said that in the KoH2, there will be bigger intergration time after you conquere new province, so it is more likely you won´t be able to steamrole whole map, so that might give you more time to focus on town development

2. & 8. Can´t go together, either you want unlimited army and be OP and conquere whole map in an hour or you get limited ( 8 slots for example) royal court slots... I´m more incline to latter since you need to strategize more and be smart who you take into your court

3. I agree with this one.

4. & 5. You can speed it up (as someone said it already) + there are skills that you can choose for your knight

7. I both agree and disagree on this. Yes there should be a way to make people happy (mabey a building like brewery , brothel, etc... or some kind a festival for people). I don´t like to just give them money, once or twice okay (there need to be cooldown of sorts) but constantly giving them would be bad since it would cause inflation and they would still be unhappy ( haha I lnow it´s a video game but I´d like to see that😆)

9. First game really did not have any depth to it, it was just whoever have better more veteran army wins... With could use some improvment( maybe use a spy to poison enemy army and they all start a battle with 70-80% of their HP, clerick blesses your army before fight which gives them moral boost or something...)

10. You can always auto resolve a battle or option to stop the battle while you fight.... Only solution I see for multiplayer is to auto reslove all battles🤷‍♂️  or maybe they already come to some sort of solution, we will see 😄

11. Yea that intro is annoying after 100x time 😂🤦‍♂️

I would like to add that i would love to see:

12. Some sort of local events (like a drought (effects food production)) and global events (plauge (your population starts dying or they need more time to produce, so you can´t gather army that quick)) something like that... Would love to hear someone´s else ideas for these kind of events, negative ones as well as positive ones, so just comment 🤩

13. Little depth to Kings,Princes,Queens and Princesses personality: 2-3 perks that make them good at something and bad at something else (there needs to be a balance)... So you need to choose your King and theis future spouses wisely

14. Bigger role for female royalty.... For example:

  • some perks (2-3 perks or maybe just 1-2) from your wife (she can have popularity perk, which makes population more happy since they like her.. or she has arrogant perk, which makes population unhappy since they despise her),
  • if your King dies and has no heir she can take control of the kingdom (but just briefly, until she finds sutable spouse, but after that kingdom is really unhappy so you need to fix it)

I would appreciate anyones thoughts and ideas on this 😃and if you have anything you´d like to change or add feel free to 

14 hours ago, Bassilisk said:

PS: KOH is a good game!!!!


Edited by DoVlaLegend
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Happily for us we don't have to come up with solutions how multiplayer will work. It's a tricky job, there are multiple possibilities and every one has its advantages and disadvantages. We can only wait and see how they solve it. I personally prefer a solution which works best for people who want to play together non-competitevly and just have some fun and goof around.

You guys really need to download the HD-patch which includes an option to remove all intro-scenes :D

My thoughts to the additional points mentioned by DoVla:

12. That's certainly a neat addition. I remember Lords of the Realm II having something similar every season. You can look it up here (https://www.gog.com/forum/lords_of_the_realm_lords_of_magic_series/lotr_2_ultimate_economic_guide; search for 'Non-weather events').

13 & 14 I don't care if they add that, as long as it can be ommitted and doesn't punish me to hard. If i want to roleplay, I'll probably just play Crusader Kings 2. Knights of Honor has a special place in my heart because it was so atmospheric with its wonderful music, imagery and overall feeling without being a full-blown calculator-mathematics-startegy game.

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After playing some more I really do think they could speed up how long buildings take and other things. Early game I keep building a building and putting it on 10xs speed and it still takes literally like a minute, and that's 10x speed!! thats like 10 minutes regular pace, or going at 2.0 its like 5 minutes or more. that's just waiting for a building to build. I shouldn't have to keep speeding up the game to 10xs speed, it should be playable and not boring with lots of waiting around twiddleing your thumbs and regular speed

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6 hours ago, DoVlaLegend said:

You need to get more workers to build faster. Either hire a builder in royal court or build buildings that give you workers

I understand it can be done a little bit quicker, and that you can even purchase the finish if your rich, but to me it just takes too longs even with full workers 😞 and especially early game when hiring a build is very pricy especially when they aren't much use later game. Thank you for comment, I just still think its too slow all things considered

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