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Collected suggestions


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While playing I chanced upon things I would think natural and/or worthwhile additions to the game. Most are rather minor but would add functionality and flavour, I think.

  1. Allow deals (coupled demands and offers) for players in diplomacy
  2. Enable Vassalisation as demand in diplomacy outside of peace talks, but only coupled with offers of land
  3. Introduce Casus Belli, where certain circumstances negate opinion penalties upon declaring war. (Like, catching a spy or someone declaring war on your vassal)
  4. Let the Pope govern a town if he is in your court. Nominally he could "send a legate". Otherwise the wasted knight slot is a bit too much of a disadvantage.
  5. Make children age at the same pace as kings. Currently they age much faster if the slow-aging option is selected for kings.
  6. Add opportunities for diplomats (like e.g. "Mend relations" for a large one-off bonus with a rival/threat, or "Mediate" for a relation boost between two of your friends that have bad relations)
  7. Add an action "Lift Excommunication" to the Pope, when he's in your court.
  8. Add a cleric opportunity "Reconcile Kingdom" to lift excommunications.
  9. Add an improvement ("Raider Fleet"?) to the pirate haven that reduces the travel speed of enemy vessels in adjacent sea regions (analogous to watchtowers on land).
  10. Change the effect of the "Religious Mission" from a one-off piety bonus to an increase of the piety income for a certain time. Once you've reached ~100 piety income, the missions need to be crazy well timed to be of any use, as piety is hard capped at 1000.
  11. For battles that happen in the attrition radius of a friendly castle or town, allow calling the castle/town garrison as reinforcements.
  12. Make "Demand Assistance" of attacked vassals something the liege cannot deny without losing crown authority and/or the vassal itself.
  13. Add "Demand Support" with options "Troops" and "Scutage" for liegelords in wars, as it was the duty of vassals to provide military services (or pay scutage instead). "Troops" should spawn a free-of-charge mercenary army in the service of the liegelord, that simply despawns after some time (can otherwise function like ordinary mercs)
  14. Add a way for liegelords to enforce peace between warring vassals.
  15. Allow the Pope to issue an "Interdict" against factions that annoy him instead of directly jumping to excommunication. Interdicts were an intermediate level of escalation that forbade the celebrating of the mass. Effect: Negates (or halves?) piety income while active
  16. Add "Conclave Votes" under "Demand..." in diplomacy for factions that have cardinals, to ask them to vote for your cardinal in the next conclave. (And vice versa under "Offer..." for your own votes.)
Edited by Iskar
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id like to add some suggestions to the mix, please excuse if some might seem to be duplicates.

- add the option on capturing a city to convert it back to a fallen faction and be made a vassal or to just pillage (aka destroy all buildings and sack). the options to resurrect the papacy when you capture Rome is good but needs to be expanded for all other cities.

- be able to better control mercs as they sometimes dont move to local engagements instead deciding to travel a thousand km to some distant battle

- we need cannons to be able to add to armies, and slightly larger armies even with the special manpower additions

- the ability to use town guard to defend same province assets could be good. i hate having to station whole armies to defend regions when they are needed at the frontline rather than some far off skirmish or to fend off rebels..

- also i want to me able to gift territories to whoever i want. this whole process of only being able to offer land only if they are loyal to their faction is really annoying.. damn it, im trying to reproduce the exact borders of the roman empire and i need them to be accurate..

Edited by obione69
additional feature requests
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12 hours ago, obione69 said:

id like to add some suggestions to the mix, please excuse if some might seem to be duplicates.

- add the option on capturing a city to convert it back to a fallen faction and be made a vassal or to just pillage (aka destroy all buildings and sack). the options to resurrect the papacy when you capture Rome is good but needs to be expanded for all other cities.

- be able to better control mercs as they sometimes dont move to local engagements instead deciding to travel a thousand km to some distant battle

- we need cannons to be able to add to armies, and slightly larger armies even with the special manpower additions

- the ability to use town guard to defend same province assets could be good. i hate having to station whole armies to defend regions when they are needed at the frontline rather than some far off skirmish or to fend off rebels..

- also i want to me able to gift territories to whoever i want. this whole process of only being able to offer land only if they are loyal to their faction is really annoying.. damn it, im trying to reproduce the exact borders of the roman empire and i need them to be accurate..

I think using town guards as mobile defense would be overpowered (especially against AI) and I actually do like the fact that one cannot just shove around land as if it was a mere commodity. In a pre-Westphalia setting personal allegiance was more important than territorial overlordship, and I think it should remain that way in the game.

Fully agree with the first three and incorporating them here together with some additions from the steam discussion:

Alternative suggestion 4)
Add an option to the Pope (if he's in your court) to "Send Legate".
Effect: Pope is replaced by a special cleric with weaker versions of the "Call Crusade" and "Excommunicate" actions (cost money and piety, 75% chance), but otherwise the same functions as ordinary clerics. Marshals can no longer "Lead Crusade", however. The random automatic conversions to Catholicism can stay, though, as they aren't overpowered but add some nice flavour.

17) A faction getting destroyed because loyalist rebels make away with their last province(s) should not count as actively destroying that faction. For instance I got diplomatic penalties because loyalists killed one of my vassals and then joined me - something that I couldn't even have prevented.
18) [by gogglemetzitzah] A place to see all available upgrades that increase the stats of a particular army unit. For example, when I hover over any Calvary unit, I'd like a list to popup showing what upgrade goods there are that can buff these like Trained Horses and Warhorses, with it either being white for showing I have it, grayed out if I don't but can get it, or red if I don't have it and can't get it, much like the Kingdom Advantages page shows.
19) [by Ajukreyzi] Reduce time for troops "getting ready to fight" in autocalc battles.
20) [by Ajukreyzi] Make running out of army supplys much more of an issue.
21) [by Ajukreyzi] Split africa into many more smaller provinces to make it more playable. Same for eastern europe.
22) [by FistoChat] add a genealogic tree
23) Add a bonus to Trebuchets reducing siege time OR allow immediate siege attacks with Trebuchets in your army.
24) [by obione69] Enable liberating conquered cities as vassals
25) [by obione69] Enable pillaging conquered cities without occupying them
26) [by obione69] Enable bombards as siege engines in the late period. (Similar to catapults with added bonus against siege engines and some more attack against buildings)
27) [by obione69] Add basic commands to mercenaries, like "Defend <own province>", "Attack <enemy province>", "Follow <own army>".

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28) Introduce an HRE mechanic:

First Emperor is the king of the Germany faction

First 7 Electors are chosen by historical accuracy as far as possible.

A catholic non-elector faction destroying an elector faction becomes elector.

Electorship can also be demanded as part of peace talks.

If an elector faction vanishes without clear successor a random catholic faction with high fame is chosen.

Whenever the Emperor dies, the seven electors cast their votes between the previous emperor faction and the other catholic faction with the highest fame.

Electoral votes are by default allocated by relation, tie breaker military might and geographical distance, but can also be demanded/offered in diplomacy.

Emperor gets a small bonus to their army sizes (Imperial Levies) a small malus to income (Imperial Bureacracy), a small bonus to stability (Imperial Authority) and the action to call an Imperial War, akin to a jihad but restricted to the electors being called to war.

Calling an Imperial War comes with no opinion penalties (emperor leading a "bellum iustum"), but costs 1000 piety and a lot of money (scaled by empire size) and has a cooldown.

29) Add a random opportunity to diplomats to  "Call a just war" in the medieval sense of a bellum iustum against a faction with negative relation, which comes with no diplomatic or opinion or authority penalties, regardless of pacts, but costs a lot of books and piety.

Edited by Iskar
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Remembering the first part, I immediately noticed moments that personally embarrassed me a lot.
1. Autocephaly as player. When you started the game as Armenia, you got a separate Armenian Autocephalous Church, even with a separate icon. Now, half of the map is stupidly Orthodox. And for Byzantium, we start immediately with the ecumenical patriarch,
so apparently they just forgot about the small states.
2. Tax setting/military tax. In the first part, it was possible to adjust the tax by lowering / raising the mood of the mob. It was also possible to collect a rare military tax, which greatly undermined authority, but allowed urgently to recruit troops for protection.
3. And where are the battles without companies? In the first part, this was the only multiplayer available, but it allowed you to hone your tactical skills. At the moment, it seems to me that tactical battles are as uncomfortable as possible.
4. The camera is too close, the political view is inconvenient for orientation. The first part with the camera also had its difficulties,
but the path of the knights on the map was always displayed, which made it easy to track their movements. And most importantly, on the map, your marshals were displayed with a separate knight icon, which greatly simplified orientation on the map.
5. Espionage has become too frequent. I do not want to hire a spy, as he will suggest that I kill every merchant from the enemy.
Espionage is just annoying, in the first part it was super effective, but rare. Speaking of spies in the first part, the spy became exactly a knight at court, on which his powers depended. For example, once my spy became a marshal in Sweden, but Sweden was left without an heir. My marshal became the king of Sweden and simply gave me all the possessions.
It was wonderful. Now the most convenient thing a spy can do is open a gate or burn food supplies.
6. Tactical battles could be fought without a pause in the kingdom, which added complexity and realism to what was happening.
7. When trying to select troops during a tactical battle, the cursor does not move the map.
8. AI regularly offer to attack your ally if they are at enmity with each other, it's kind of stupid to be honest.

9. Oh, and how inconvenient it has become to look for the right resource / opportunity to hire troops. By the way, where is the opportunity to hire new types of troops in the occupied lands? I did not notice the possibility of hiring Vikings in Vyborg for example. Previously, to view resources, you were shown the entire map at once in scale, hiding the rest of the legend, which greatly simplified orientation.

Edited by Solo_mag
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30) Add a small passive chance to churches/masjids to convert their province to your religion, and a small chance to cathedrals/mosques to do the same for adjacent provinces. The feature could be tied to another improvement (Pulpit/Minbar for church/masjid and Itinerant Preachers for Cathedral/Mosque).

This would somewhat counter the otherwise uncontrolled auto-spreading of paganism, because the AI is largely incapable of reconverting their provinces. It is also inconsistent that only paganism spreads by itself.

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32) Add a different court structure for republics and knighthood orders: instead of a royal family you get a "Senate" (for republics) or a "Chapter" (for orders) from which you can recruit knights and from whom the next leader is elected upon death of the current one (orders) or after a fixed period of time (republics). 

As a consequence these factions would not have to bother with succession, but could in turn have to obey decisions/vetoes from their senate/chapter in questions of war and peace. 

The underlying mechanic would be similar to the papal states' court mechanics, I imagine.

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33) Make the keeps in the centre of town mountable by troops as they were in KoH1. That would add another layer of tactics to town battles and serve as a last stand for defenders. It should be relatively(?) easy to trigger the AI to retreat to the keep once balance of power passes a certain value.

34) Add keeps similar to the ones in the town centre to battle maps for the assault/defense on castles. It is rather counterimmersive that these battles take place on plain field and the castle supposedly under attack is nowhere to be seen (even though its garrison made it to the battle)

35) Make battles on river crossings actually have a river cutting through the map. It need not be the river battle mechanics from KoH1, because the enemy would probably be way to vulnerable on those tiny rafts, but some topographic impact of the river should be there.

36) Make battle maps for mountain passes much narrower. There's a reason people often used these to hold back a superior advancing force.

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  • Developers

Just passing by to thank you for your ideas and the brief systematic way they are written - we've read through all of them and added some of them down in our "features wishlist".

Please don't take responding here as a disrespect for the other topics and discussions everywhere, all feedback is valuable for us and we try to read and consider everything (though we rarely respond directly).

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37 - Rework navigation skill,

  • a fleet should be much faster than a land army,
  • make landing fleet takes longer like when preparing to fight a battle, Navigation skill from tradition or knight should reduce the landing process, a landing fleet/army might be intercepted by both land army and sea fleet.
  • add the ability to bombard the coastal province with fleet, if the fleet has siege equipment in the inventory slots, range of fleet should be lower than the castle/town so those places will not be easily bombarded.
  • Strange Idea: Make army can only become a fleet if the faction or the knight has navigation skill, because no army can magically summon boats, they can cross rivers, or small crossing point like the Bophorus

38- Add faction's government type. The most common one is feudal system as default in the current game, Merchant republic for Italian, German and Russian merchant states, Horde for the steppe khans,...

  • Merchant states have navigation in the first slot, allow to create/make fleet easiler in eearly game,
  • Horde states have Leadership or a new Raiding skill as default, and it allow troops to raiding without declace war
  • Feudal states have diplomacy as what they are best at, same with Theocracy



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  • 2 months later...

39 - It should be possible to increase the size of garrisons in cities. It is 5 at the moment but for example the marshal king and priests can carry 8 slots. So you if you jump in a city and pick an army, you have to re-allocate the 3 excess slots elsewhere. It's just inconvenient.



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It should be possible to offer land or even sell land to other kingdoms without them having any cultural influence / loyalty in that province. This is a big diplomacy element missing for those that like to play tall.

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40.  Addition of a button “repeat action” would be most welcome in “Audience” window.


When you attempt to buy land from another king, you often have to ask him over and over again until he proposes agreeable terms. So when the action outcome prompts to either “agree”, “refuse”, or “let me think”, somethings like “refuse and repeat action” and “agree and repeat action” (when you pay gold to Papal States to please your Clergy) would be a fantastic addition in order to avoid going through elaborate menu each time

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Let’s talk about the points that still need to be improved in the 2nd generation.
1. Although it is not entirely advisable for the lord to die of old age, it can be made into an independent option for the start of the game. You can activate it yourself if you need it. In order not to make people collapse, you should let the lord age at the same rate as important relatives, or a little slower.
2. Just like the first generation, let the unit's basic morale and physical strength bar be visualized. Now I don't know how long it will be before the cavalry charges twice before they can charge again. Also, I hope that the basic morale of the city defense army without a general leader can also be seen on the big map.
3. The building needs to be simplified. For example, the items in the Royal Armory can be placed in the building upgrade of the palace or castle.
4. Increase the building column, the existing 8 building columns are too few.
5. The unlocking of arms should be linked to military buildings. For example, barracks can train militia series arms. Castle - Armory trains heavy units. The palace unlocks elite units. And the building should bring bonuses to the number of units, etc.
6. Some famous urban areas should have fixed resource output and special landmark buildings, which can bring great bonuses. Like the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Let AI Destroy buildings for three reasons.
- Muslim city gets conquered by catholic. Then by Pagan. I conquered this city and I see 5 religious buildings. The pagans effectivly played with 4 building spots there!
- lategame provinces have 8 buildings. The AI that conquers this region needs a resource that this region can provide. They just do not destroy any less priority building in that situation
- AI builds 8 horse farm buildings in 12 provinces owned or conquered. Just let them check for these buildings, destroy them if more than 2 of them exist.

Change the building priority if needed so they focus building their own advantages.

Edited by Abseits_Ger
A typo
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