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Posts posted by Al_Wombat

  1. 20 hours ago, RTSfanatic said:

    Archers are indeed way to strong currently and the AI seems to know this. In my playthrough I'm currently fighting army's made up of 80% archers. Maybe this is because it is England that I'm fighting but still that is a ridiculous amount and in no way realistic

    I agree with what you said about game publishing and RTS battle mode, but Archers did indeed compose the main force of armies, at least in England. 

    Henry V is believed to have fielded 1k Men-At-Arms along 5k archers at Agincourt.

    According the the books on medieval history and warfare I‘m currently reading, it was normal for armies to have 3-4 Archers for every ManAtArms. Up to the point where “Archers” became synonymous with “Infantry”.

    That being said, the archers had to be used wisely. 

    Also, this was a development that was spurred by Agincourt, 1415, ie in the very late middle ages, BECAUSE of that battle, and also BECAUSE of the English Longbow which is very different in power than other bows. 

  2. This thread is about what players and devs think about the Real Time Battles and what suggestions they might make. Many would agree that it's still work in progress but the devs decided to release now since so many people have been waiting for so long. Is the game fully ready yet? Maybe not, but then again, which game is at day one? 

    Haven't yet played myself but I'd still like to mention the issues being talked about on twitch streams or reviews.

    • AI seems to be sending Generals on solitary death rides into the enemy lines. This unit being essential makes this bug even nastier. See German magazine Gamestar's youtube channel. 
    • Balance:
      • Archers may be OP in general
      • Heavy Cavalry may be underpowered in close combat against archers. 
    • Terrain: According to Gamestar has virtually no effect on the battles. 

    This is what other people said. From the gameplay I've watched I personally would have hoped for archers to behave more historically accurate.

    (Archers didn't used to send volley after volley of precious arrows into the skies, but rather waited until they could actually see who and where they were shooting at, exactly. Arrows are VERY hard to make and weren't thrown around like it's been going on in strategy games all the time of course, endless ammunition.)

    Maybe the devs could nerf the archers like that: Let them have less "rounds" which would still be very effective, the damage depending on the distance significantly, as well as on training and experience, of course..  This might open up a range of wagers and strategies: The closer to the enemy I have my archers loose the more damage they will make, felling them, while maybe saving arrows, too. But if if goes wrong the whole unit can get hammered by a shield charge and flee the battlefield in panic. 


    Opinions, quotes, and ideas, please!

    • Like 1
  3. 12 minutes ago, Lighthope said:

    My understanding was that cavalry was supposed to crush foot soldiers (like archers) while spearmen were supposed to stop cavalry.

    Sounds like something got missed.

    Well my post is based on a single person's opinion after a day since release. I'd love to hear other players' opinions. Game definitely deserves a chance. 

    We do have indications though that the real time battles aren't near ready yet, whereas the game itself looks grand already. German gaming magazine Gamestar found that the enemy Generals keep galloping to a stupid quick death all the time, urging to patch this blunder asap. 


  4. Hi,

    this feedback I got off a german streamer today on twitch:

    He found the archers to be op, melting Heavy Cavalry too easily whereas the Knights don‘t get to blast archer squads apart in order to counter the archers’ strength. 

    Generally he regarded the rt battles as too easy once you know how to cheese your road to victory. Kinda on a good way but quite a bit to go yet…

    Any thoughts from players or devs?

    Is the battle system to be regarded as work in progress still? Or are people expecting too much from it?

  5. Dear Devs,

    I am watching people play on twitch and I’m very impressed with what you have created. 

    What almost shocked me, though, was to see a region called Deutschland alongside regions like Bavaria and Saxonia. This makes absolutely no sense, at all!

    There is no kingdom called “Germany” in the middle ages. Why are you ignoring this? 

    What’s the point? 
    Is there a connection to the “Holy Roman Empire”? If yes, how does that affect gameplay? Does the Emperor have a role like the Pope does? But why not call that empire by its name?

    If no, what’s the point of all this? 

    Thank you.

    • Like 2
  6. On 1/11/2022 at 5:27 PM, Zerg said:

    Can you join a game only as a spectator? 

    Can you stay in a game as a spectator after being defeated? 

    Is there a setting to limit how often you can start a holy war against another kingdom? Being the target of a holy war every 2 minutes because another player controls the pope could be quite frustrating. 

    How are pacts between human players handled? Can I defame a friend after he agrees to an alliance but doesn't send any actual troops? 

    Could we have a setting to deactivate only pillaging between human players (for a set amount of time/kings)?


    From what I read you need significant resources for a holy war, both money and faith. If you beat the player, you don’t need another crusade. If you don’t, I believe faith drops. And you also need to be wary of rogue crusader kings. 
    In any case, you won’t be able to spam crusades all over the place.

    These are intelligent people. If they take long to develop it’s because they are considering lots of different options for good gameplay. 

    Adding a broken holy war mechanic certainly isn’t one of them.

  7. „…almost the entirety of the world looks down on [Pagan kingdoms], which has its effect on diplomacy.“

    …surely, this would be mitigated by power? 


    It is nice to imagine also for a very powerful kingdom to force some of their pagan rites onto a rival of any religion which the clerics of the opposition would hate, but would aid diplomacy and public opinion of said kingdom. 


    • Like 1
  8. On 8/31/2021 at 3:20 PM, Ivory Knight said:

    So, is it to be understood that the dungeon is still attached to the royal court, such that imprisoned Knights take up royal court space? This was actually a function of KOH 1 which I did not enjoy. 

    Surely not pleasant, but just forgetting about any high ranked court member and swapping them for a new one would be unrealistic and too easy, wouldn’t it? 

  9. On 8/15/2021 at 10:19 PM, Zerg said:

    I share that feeling with you.

    I've pasted screenshots from both the old and the new game at the end of my post for everyone else to compare aswell. As far as I can tell I see three big problems.

    1. Used space is smaller
    The new game uses less space, which forces the portraits to be smaller. This combined with the 3D-faces makes it harder to notice features of the face (wrinkles, mimic, etc.).

    2. Bad background
    I think the strange white/black background also takes away focus from the portrait. The black inner-shadow doesn't help at all. If its removed I am sure it would help a lot.

    3. Faces are zoomed out
    The first game just shows more face. If you compare both games, the first game just nearly had no background-space because the faces would take it all up.

    Knights of Honor

    Knights of Honor II: Sovereign

    Completely agree w everything said in this discussion!

  10. Hello, 


    I just watched the Dev Diary 10 Video and I really like how you are aiming to implement the concept of the *traditions* into the game. 


    I. How traditions should NOT come into being:

    Just please do not allow kingdoms to simply buy a new set of traditions. I understand that players want to experiment and change things round, and in RPG games they love to take the body of a tiny mage and turn him into a superstrong melee warrior. But this doesn't fit here, at all. 


    Traditions are, well, traditions and should only develop over time. You can't change hundreds or even thousands of years by simply buying recalibration points in the fantasy store. 

    So I want to neglect, abandon traditions? Sure. Develop new ones? Definitely!

    But spending a big bunch of resources to simply become a completely new type of kingdom over knight seems ridiculous. This completely denies the very core definition of a tradition. 


    II. How a kingdom's traditions should rather develop (main factors): 

    1.) Cultural background. What creation myths does a kingdom have? What and who do they believe in? Who are their historic of fictional heroes? 

    2.) Geography. Tell me where you live or come from and I'll tell you lots about your ways of living. 

    3.) Experience. What does a dynasty actually do? The factuality of concurring deeds. 

    4.) Special events. Some special events might trigger new traditions. Say, a fire catastrophe or a terrible defeat in a battle might lead to certain reactions. 

  11. It‘s completely fine to be of other opinion. 

    Thanks for your post, which according to you represents 99.9 % of the players‘ opinion. 

    While that seems a bit overconfident, I will concede that my opinion is particular. If you want to call it „nitpicky“, great, that‘s an honour, since in my experience it’s nitpickery which leads to excellence rather than reliance on thinking about majority’s taste or sensitivity.


    Back to the lingo:

    I didn’t say that I‘d not enjoy the game, only that imo immersion would be enhanced by using British, rather than American English, ideally spiced by some words anyone would consider „olde“. 

    Surely, you‘d agree that, regardless of the branding issues, ingame „middleagey“ language would be appreciated by a vast majority of players, regardless of the language? 

  12. Hello, dear devs, dear community, 


    I have a question concerning conquest and culture. Forgive me if someone has already asked the same question, and if so, gallantly refer or transfer me to the according thread, thank you.


    Will it be possible to conquer cities, even lands, without imposing my home culture and religion on them? 

    From reading the according Dev Diary this wasn't clear to me. In history, there have always been both approaches: 


    A) The Wipe

    It's what Macchiavelli suggests in "The Prince", i.e., forcing everyone to adopt "my" religion and other core cultural assets, that's what Isabella and Alfonso (among others) did during and after the "Reconquista". 


    B) The Inclusion

    It's what (among others) the muslims did successfully for centuries in Spain: allowing people to keep their religion and other core cultural assets, as long as they remained loyal to the sovereign, paying taxes, sending troops when asked for, etc. 


    Both approaches surely had (and have) their pros and cons, and that should be reflected by the game mechanics - could you elaborate on that in a more detailed Dev Diary about conquest, please? 

    To me this is a crucial aspect of the game. I do hope for variety in the crucial aspect of conquest (and reconquista). What do you honourable developers plan? What do you gallant supporters think? 



  13. …rather than "Knights of Honor"? And shouldn't the whole English version be in BE, not AE, given that neither did American English exist in the Middle Ages nor did knights, honourous or not, EVER hop around in North America. 


    I know this is "just" a detail, but since immersion in a game's world is all about details, and you guys are really showing much love for the smaller things, I wanted to raise this linguistic topic. 


    Personally, I would definitely be reminded of the US production company every time I read a word in AE, rather than feel I am in the middle ages for a couple of hours. 

    Ideally, thou could even go forth and add some Oulde English lingo, that would be even better. (I don't know how to write "Oulde English", but you get the idea… 😉 ) 

  14. Dear Devs, 

    from what I've seen you are building something beautiful and great. 

    I am willing to wait as long as it takes to create a worthy successor of KOH 1. 


    But! It'd be very dear to know whether we will be able to play on the ps4 or on mac os…

    So can you please at least hint at whether you are planning to release it on other platforms than windows, and which those might be? 

    Thank you! 

  15. On 6/10/2020 at 7:34 PM, Field Marshal said:

    You might have been waiting 15 years for the game but game wasn't in development for 15 years, but only 1-3.

    And not willing to be patient and wait is definitely not a good reason to release the game asap. You see, it takes time and effort to make a game because games (like KoH especially) are way harder to develop than common programs (at least in like 80% of cases) and complexity of them is sometimes quite astonishing. It's not just "we make some 3D animations and objects, record sounds, add some code in, combine it and BAM, the perfect game is out", NO! The math behind games (like KoH too likely) is on par with higher college one (can be quite advanced in some cases), the good knowledge of coding and algorithms is not something you can learn in a month or so but usually in a few years and with even with that you need a lot of time to get that part of the job done. Now that's even the beginning for that part because coding the solution for problem is one thing, debugging (i.e.. Fixing) for all cases and optimizing (huh) it are also another big requirements that'll take even more time and skill to be done right. So this is only the programming part which I think I know a bit about from 6 years of playing around with Unity (the game engine devs use to make a game) and that's just one part of the job for one person, to do a full AAA game you need a skilled and likely large team but even they will probably need hella time to do it so that it works well. And before I hear things (which I hope I won't) like "Field Marshal bad" tell what do you even know about making games? Like have you even tried to code something simple or get to understand an algorithm for it, e.g. here you go, an algorithm not so hard yet it's one of the basics (more or less) the games usually rely on for finding a path between point A to point B, the thing that sounds rather simple but it's based on a strong math and some decent algorithm knowledge in the background.

    So as I already highlighted it 4 times now, time is one of the most important things (+money and skill I'd say) when developing a game if it wants to be done right and if it gets cut... Well.. Game could end up like an unfinished/buggy mess as Fallout 76 did (lol). Not only that, but bad game at release (even if it becomes available to everyone in alpha) = many bad reviews = many people less likely to buy the game = bad sales = no money/profit = no more development = bad game, so NO, it's never good to rush a game because you don't want to wait for it some more time, you'll likely get disappointed by it and then what? Blame the devs for not doing good work? Well sorry bro it just happens that time was too short and that's what you wanted so you got it.

    Also I'm not mad at anyone or anything here, but I get mildly annoyed about people making wishes like kids about things they usually know nothing about. And sorry for the wall of text, sometimes summing things up to explain them well goes bad for me 🤪.

    tl;dr: game development is a complex thing and devs need a lot of time to do it well, so wanting the game to come out quick like tomorrow is not really good idea.

    You are right. But I will suggest refraining from walls of text if you want more people to actually read your posts. 

    In this case, a summary would have been: 

    "Development of a good, complex game takes a lot of time. If you mess it up and release a bad game, you will get bad reviews and hence bad sales which means you might not be able to develop any more games, at all. So please, be patient." 

    Thank you. 

    • Like 1
  16. On 12/27/2019 at 2:01 AM, Ragnar2299 said:
    • My name is Sławek
    • Im from Poland
    • I like medieval game like Mount&Blade, Knight of Honor, Tzar, Settlers, Pretorians, Might of Magic and others like that, also I like sneaky games like Dishonored or pirate game like AC4 Black Flag.
    • I dont have any pets but im thinking about buying raccoon or cat, we shall see 🙂

    Hello Slawek,

     Isn’t raccoon wild animal? Unless you actually live in the wild the animal would suffer... Cats are really great! And pretty wild (for a domestic animal...)



    Edit: I just read about the issue on the net. While a raccoon pet can be an option, I’d still strongly suggest to go for a cat, (if you allow me, if the forum allows) unless there is a raccoon baby who lost its mommy...

  17. Hi everyone! 

    Glad to be a part of this happy community!

    1. Name, Countries: Stefan from both Germany and España. / @ps4: stephan4477 / @twitch and omlet: electronicpuppets (I create 2D animations)
    2. Games: All kinds of. FGOAT: 
      • Monkey Island
      • Jeanne d’Arc (yes on Amiga!!! 🙂 anyone here also played it?)
      • PES (now eFootball) — come and try to beat me I’m “stephan4477” in the ps4!
      • Civilization
      • Action Games like For Honor but also shooters (sadly i’m not good enough for pvp...YET; I loved Generation Zero)
    3. Pets: My super cat passed away many years ago and i still miss him much and more :’-) - please enjoy every moment with your beloved, beast or human!

    Despite being interested in gaming ever since I never played - or even heard of ! - Knights of Honor! Probably it came out during an “off phase”. But I am super excited and can’t wait!!!


    I wildly and passionately hope that there will be a MAC OS version or at least a PS4 one! Any thoughts on this from the devs would be highly welcome!


  18. On 11/19/2019 at 8:26 PM, THQN Brad said:

    @Ivory Knight Would be interested to learn more about your Twitch streams. Can you maybe start a separate thread about them? 🙂 Sure others would enjoy watching some of the content too!

    The only twitch video of KoH that i could find was this:

    It’s in German though...

    Edit: can a moderator please move this to a more adequate thread, once there is one? Thank you!


  19. “Tutorial” Battles: Re-enactments of real historical battles on the game’s maps and with the available units, I would enjoy massively. 


    1. Immersion, credibility.

    2. Study strategies and tactics to get better at the battles.

    3. Learn a bit more about history and its conflicts.

    4. Good for marketing. It’s gonna impress reviewers if done decently.


    1. It’s extra work to do that.

    2. Some (wannabe) historians will criticize lack of accuracy, partly because...

    3. Not all historical units can be included in the game.


    What do you guys think?

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