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Royal Family and Traditions Menu


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First of all, I would like to thank the developers for the incredible work, although it needs some balances and fixes, the game is already very nice. A small suggestion, in "Royal Family and Traditions Menu", it would be interesting that the traditions are in order of type (Military, Diplomacy...) and alphabetical, because as it is, it's quite confusing. Another interesting point would be to know approximately the life expectancy of the leader and his court nobles, not just saying if he is young, adult, etc... But rather, defining an average time that players can predict.

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Family in general needs some work. Hate that I can only have 4 children. In a game like this I like to hold on to my royal line as long as possible. During my current gameplay my 2nd generation king got 4 daughters and then died. Luckily I still had a brother but he is approaching old age and still no son. So looks like my royal line is over just because I was limited to 4 children. Also the king I started with and his son that took over died of old age and yet I still have my first diplomat and merchant (bought at the very start). Something is off there. 

Finding a spouse in the later game is also to much of a hassle. 

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3 hours ago, RTSfanatic said:

Hate that I can only have 4 children. In a game like this I like to hold on to my royal line as long as possible.

I think four children is fine.  The whole idea is to sometimes run the risk of losing your king and getting one of your knights promoted.  If you could breed like rabbits, that limits the risk too much.

Besides, this isn't really a generational game.  That's Crusader Kings.

3 hours ago, RTSfanatic said:

Finding a spouse in the later game is also to much of a hassle. 

It's always a hassle.  But again, limited children.  So not surprising.  At least your king will usually find a mate on his own if necessary.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is a very interesting point. I don't know how the whole "young, adult, old, venerable" age groups transition work. My perception is that some kings transition age groups slower/faster than others. Or, maybe that's just me? Displaying the actual age would help to mitigate that confusion. But my hunch is that age groups is a game design mechanic meant to hide those details from us, make the game less predictable. I don't really have an strong opinion either way.

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