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chain commands for marshals


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Marshals (and the sea): Please make it possible that a marshal find himself the shortest way to the next harbor and than across the sea to the destination you give him. I mean that I only click on the target City and the General does everything alone. At KoH it's like this: Klick on the marshal and select next harbor for him, wait until he reaches the harbor, than give him destination to a coast near the city u want him to go, when he's landed klick on marshal again and send him to the city! That is laborious in KoH! So please implement  chain commands in KoH2. Other example: Send marshal X to eliminate a rebel army, and after it he goes to the nearest city as you told him in the chain command. (Maybe there he also heals the troops and restock food if the command was given)

Edited by Alsadoom
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8 hours ago, Alsadoom said:

So please implement  chain commands in KoH2. Other example: Send marshal X to eliminate a rebel army, and after it he goes to the nearest city as you told him in the chain command.

Not necessarily a good idea.  Since the game is real time, things can change on the fly.  Perhaps the rebel army did something and you no longer want the general to destroy them.  Or perhaps something else became a higher priority.

This isn't an overly complex game as it is.  I don't think we need more of an autopilot.  Just my opinion on that.

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There is chain command with shift if I remember correctly but if you played games like starcraft and stuff you just make them control groups and in this game you have the control groups like real time strategy.

I hope the same mechanics will be used again and plus/minus extra once.


Edited by eNeXPi
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