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suggestion: create / declare an own empire


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well i would like to have an option once youve reached a certain size (and probably might points) to declare yourself an empire pretty much which also changes your king to a emperror (pretty much the same it does if you would be one of the 3 northern kingdoms and form kalmar ) with the difference that you decide the name yourself and sigil /flag / banner whatever and color . probably should come with some bonus to it (eh the kalmar bonus was 100 more fame/ might or something . ) anyways the point in that is not getting some bonus from it, but that you can call out an empire once youve reached a certain size as kingdom (which should already be done in the menu that you create there some possible empires to choose from then. means the shield symbol / flag . color of the countrie shown and name , it should also have an option to upload custom sigils . its kind of weird only a few kingdoms can form some other nation or empire with certain provinces and then only pick that one which changes your colors and name in something you might even dislike >.> but it puts your shitty status of kingdom higher than it was previously. (if that was an option im 100% sure someone would make the third reich with a swasistka as flag but there would also be lots of other options xD lol)

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Well I think it is a good suggestion that a kingdom can become an empire if it reaches certain size, maybe if you make your country 2x or 3x bigger than original or something like that. Maybe for Croatia to be "Empire of Croatia" for example it should require 6 or 8 more provinces than Croatia started with. 


As for choosing a flag or banner and colour... I am not sure should it be in gameplay before map editor itself is added. I think that it would be weird to suddenly have such customisation powers in the gameplay while there is no map editor first, nor ability to change your flag whenever you want during gameplay or before it when you choose some kingdom. 

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I wouldn't tie it to just Empires, just generally letting the player rename the kingdom, change its style (Duchy, Kingdom, Empire) and alter the CoA would be cool. Though I suppose it would be tricky in that it would have to create a new entity rather than overwrite the one the player previously held (lest rebellions for individual provinces would yield inaccurate names).

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I think generally there should be a map editor that would allow one to manipulate borders, set cities and settlements, change landmasses and seas, customise kingdoms etc. And that these would be saved as special maps. So you can do things from just editing Europe a bit to making complete fantasy landmasses. 

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absolutely.. as an Austrian i totally agree.. would be more Fun to Rename a Kingdom after reaching an certain Size or capturing an Amount of Provinces..

I know it was later in History where it was called "Austrian-Hungarian Empire" but it would be awesome if i conquer all of the Hungarian Provinces and could change the Kingdom to an Empire.. the King to an Emperor.. 

also please give us an Option to recreate an "Crest of Amour" because.. if i recreate the Austrian-Hungarian Empire.. I'd love to have an Doubleheaded Eagle as CoA


Could be that hard to give US this Option in Single Mod, right?






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