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Tutorials, Tips and Explanations!

THQN Fabian

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  • THQ Nordic

One of the main goals of Knights of Honor II: Sovereign was to give you an accessible Grand Strategy experience. Still, the game can be overwhelming at times, especially for beginners. That's why we assembled this list of useful tutorials and guides.

This list is not complete, if you think we should add some video (especially in a new language), please link it in a comment in this thread, we will expand this list as well.

Lord Lambert (let's play with explanations)

PartyElite (Beginner's Tutorial)

Andy's Take (Beginner's Tutorial)

Sh0ppo_ (let's play with extensive tips and explanations)

Gamingkrabbe (Beginner's Tutorial)

LP mit Robin & CO. (let's play with extensive tips and explanations)

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  • 2 months later...

I find it a bit thin that there is no manual of the game available. Instead there are links to youtubers who aren't experts yet either. Maybe now through frequent play. Unfortunately, the videos that they uploaded in the past to youtube are such that you don't get an answer to every question you have as a beginner. It's not just about being an expert at something. Rather, the quality is important, how well the youtuber can explain (didactics). This affects the Germans Sh0ppo_ and LP mit Robin & CO. Sh0ppo_ has a good knowledge of the game, but he explains poor.

What is even more difficult: LP mit Robin & CO for example has released pre-production videos on youtube in December and January. In the meantime until now there have been updates from the game so that some of the videos are already out of date.

Edited by Granatenwerfer
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Well, at the time KoH was published, games were still sold on CDs in cardboard boxes, and there was an awesome colored booklet (more of a book, actually) and a poster with a map of Europe one one side and the tech tree on the other.

While I miss the style of those items, I actually cannot say that they have ever been very useful to me. I mostly learned the game through playing it, and also, there was this awesome ingame encyclopedia (I think "Royal Library" is the term) which was much quicker to use than thumbing through the printed manual.

I guess what I'm saying is, I don't mind the lack of a manual with KoH2:S - what I do mind is the missing search function in the "Royal Library". That is a really strange oversight, IMO.

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I love colored booklets and poster of the technology/economy tree very much, because they enable easier entry into the complex economic system und increase the fun playing the game. Sorry, if I become a little bit off topic, but I payed 45 EUR for this game and hence I expect at least an economy tree poster as PDF.

I agree with Tempest: I also miss a search function in the library.

Edited by Granatenwerfer
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