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CHEAT ???? (Asking official Statement about it)


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I'm really sorry if it's me who became Too old for this World But do I'm the only one HEAVILY SHOCKED ?


For weeks now I was telling me BUT How all this Kings around me get it so Easy and me so Hard. I litterrally got up to 12 Marshalls in a 3 Provinces Kingdoms and at the opposite my opponent can get vassal who have 7+ Provinces ????

So obviously being a Strategist I told me "Might it be a Cheat ?" And I found so easily, this 2 topics. Even 1 on the OFFICIAL Guide List.
And all these members talking about it normally.

So I'm asking again. Do you, in 2023, consider normal to teach kids how to Cheat ????

Honestly it would be only in Solo, I would say "Well, let say ok"  (Even if I'm against it). But in MULTI ???? Can you explain me the point ?

Considering I didn't see topic about it, Here on the Official Forum, I will give you the Doubt, But I'm asking:

Do I'm the only Shocked ?
And is there an official Statement From the Team About it ?


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  • THQ Nordic
  • Cheats don't work in multiplayer
  • Those are developer cheats that are disabled in the live build unless you know how to enable them (people obviously found out)
  • The "official guide list" is maintained by Steam, not by us, everyone can upload guides there

That said, if someone wants to play with cheats, that's entirely their decision. The game is, of course, balanced to be played without cheats.

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On 5/22/2023 at 11:40 AM, THQN Fabian said:
  • Cheats don't work in multiplayer
  • Those are developer cheats that are disabled in the live build unless you know how to enable them (people obviously found out)
  • The "official guide list" is maintained by Steam, not by us, everyone can upload guides there

That said, if someone wants to play with cheats, that's entirely their decision. The game is, of course, balanced to be played without cheats.

How can we have 60 Gold Coin from a Small trade road with an Other Kingdom whereas we don't have any traditions and our Merchant Don't have Skills. With Neutral relation with this Kingdom (Even not sympathic), without to cheat ? (All of this in Very Hard) It's impossible

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