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[SOLVED] Immortal Pope

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In my current campaign, the Pope seems to have gained immortality, as he hasn't aged at all in a few generations. I suspect this to be a clever ploy by the AI to prevent my Cardinal from ever taking over, so I've decided to counter-attack by reporting its shenanigans.


EDIT: I notcied that the latest patch has a fix for this issue, actually. However, it doesn't seem to retroacively fix the problem, so if you already have what I would like to imagine is an undead Pope that has resorted to heresy in order to unnaturally prolong his life, then you're stuck with him even on the new patch. What ended up solving my problem was going into the save files location and editing the world state there so that the Pope is no longer marked as, like I said, essentially an undead lich.

Edited by ReptilePZ
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