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Salt is not displayed in all provinces on the 'Goods' map

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I found out that the map with the goods does not display all goods in provinces correctly.

Please look at the image. Salt is available in Rheims, but it is not displayed on the map, even though I selected salt from the goods tab on the right side. Only in Nuremberg or Milan or Brugges salt is displayed correctly.



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Hello Alexandra,

it is right, resources can be found in the "Province Features" map. The "Goods" map is a totally other view. This map is supposed to show you where goods and resources are available in the world at a glance. Again, please look at the next screenshot. It is strange, that in Rheims (and in Nancy, too!) are salt resources available, but is not displayed at all. Salt it already produced in Zagreb. This is the reason why the province is green. All other provinces with salt available (but not produced yet) the provinces are hatched green - like Milan. IMO Nancy and Rheims should be mentioned here in the 'Goods' map either in hatched green or in full green.



Edited by Granatenwerfer
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Hello and thank you for the reply.

If possible, can you please provide us with a save file for the aforementioned scenario?

The location of the saves file can be found here : C:\Users\<YOUR USER NAME>\AppData\LocalLow\BlackSeaGames\Sovereign\Saves .

Also, the save folders can be easier attached to this ticket by using an app such as 7zip or winrar to archive them beforehand, it will help us tremendously when downloading them.

Thank you !

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4 minutes ago, Alexandra_Nicolau said:

Hello and thank you for the reply.

If possible, can you please provide us with a save file for the aforementioned scenario?

The location of the saves file can be found here : C:\Users\<YOUR USER NAME>\AppData\LocalLow\BlackSeaGames\Sovereign\Saves .

Also, the save folders can be easier attached to this ticket by using an app such as 7zip or winrar to archive them beforehand, it will help us tremendously when downloading them.

Thank you !

Okay, done.

What I forgot to mention: you have to click on 'Salt' icon on the 'Goods' map, first.

Thanky you very much for your fast reply!

Salt issue.rar

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