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Posts posted by zwem

  1. Hello, I'm not sure if it should be in this section but I'm on GOG and don't have any Update available while I'm still to 31682 But When I go in multi I see Version 31728 (and can't not join).

    So currently I can no longer join any multi (Still there was only 1 available so can not say if it was me or them who had a Problem).

  2. Hello,

    We told me that it was impossible to cheat in multi. Still despite this I keep usually witnessing Kingdom which have up to 10 (Yes TEN) Provinces become the vassal of other Opponents (Still for me it never happened, the biggest Deal I did with vassals was 3 Provinces, If I don't say mistake, which according to me was already too much).

    Here a little exemple to be as clear as possible:

    There is Marseille (3 Provinces ) who declare war to France ( 5 Provinces ) around 10 minutes later, while France didn't lost any Province they accept to become The vassal of Marseille.
    Then later Marseille (This Time with 7 or 8 Provinces) Declare war to England (With At least 10 Provinces if I remember Well) Marseille achieve to Conquer 1 Town (And only 1) Suddenly England Accept to Become Vassals (And I'm not sure if the Cnoquered City was also part of the Deal)

    If this is Not a Cheat, Please Could I know how is it Possible ? (It could surely Help me at specific moment, and it's extremely Frustrating to witness this happen, while during this time, you have 3 Ennemies on your back, who Sometime, REJECT You to become their own Vassals, while I only have 2 Provinces )

    By the Way I don't think that any Kingdoms should accept to become vassal if It have more than 2 Provinces (Maybe 3 Max in very specific Situation but Never More). It seems kinda Crazy than a Kingdom with 5+ would accept such deal, even more if it's opponent is Smaller than him (A Mariage maybe, but Vassal NO).

    And If this kingdom have itself a Vassals it should become free because then it can fastly turn extremely unbalanced.


  3. On 5/27/2023 at 9:58 PM, Jack said:

    Or are the devs planning to add custom rts battles in multiplayer to the game? 

    I fear that the team is mainly gone. It currently doesn't progress at the speed it would if there was 1 whole team behind (My personnal feeling about the situation).

    Still I would also have love to get Tactical Battles in Multi (even independently of Campaigns). But the battle itself would need A LOT of Fix/Balance.

  4. On 5/22/2023 at 11:40 AM, THQN Fabian said:
    • Cheats don't work in multiplayer
    • Those are developer cheats that are disabled in the live build unless you know how to enable them (people obviously found out)
    • The "official guide list" is maintained by Steam, not by us, everyone can upload guides there

    That said, if someone wants to play with cheats, that's entirely their decision. The game is, of course, balanced to be played without cheats.

    How can we have 60 Gold Coin from a Small trade road with an Other Kingdom whereas we don't have any traditions and our Merchant Don't have Skills. With Neutral relation with this Kingdom (Even not sympathic), without to cheat ? (All of this in Very Hard) It's impossible

  5. On 12/28/2022 at 12:06 AM, Valek said:

    4) The control point. This feature wasn't present in the original game. But in the original game, it was annoying to chase the enemies when they ran to the 4 corners of the scenario. I remember spending minutes chasing the enemy marshal around the screen, when I had already won the battle. My thought is that they introduced the control point to avoid said situation. And I disagree with you in this one. Assaulting the enemy camp was always considered a strategical part of warfare as per historical records, after all, if the enemy burned your food supply you would become a sitting duck.

    5) Archers. This is a polarizing topic in the game, and the game has gotten bad reviews in regards to the Battle View. I just wanted to point that I had a different situation than yours, where I was getting frustrated because my horse archers were waiting to get in formation before shooting.




    Really Sorry for my Extremely Late reply. I didn't see I got a Reply.


    I precise (What I forgot) it was in Very Hard (But I think the Team Guessed it)

    I think we mostly agree so I will be Fast. But 2 Notes about what you say.

    4) According to me This would be True IF and only IF it was us who would Decide where these zone should Be. And obviously this Time I completly Agree it Would Be Awesome.

    5) On this very specific Topic I Completly disagree and Stick to My First Comment

    Still about 2) I was talking about the Resilience before to START the Battle and NOT join any battle which already Started

    12) I add a Bonus Feedbacks: We should be Able to have more than 8 Marshalls when your Kingdom is Big and its the same for our Opponents We no longer have enough Marshall to protect the Whole Empire.

    So Obviously we can get Vassal but in this case we should have autority on Them. And it's the same in the opposite senses. When an Ennemy become big He start to lose Several Province Easily. So obviously at the Opposite you can tell you BUT if the Biggest Empire have the Biggest Army how to beat Him ? This might be True but in this Case I would prefer if It was me who could decide up to How much Marshal we should be Allowed to Rule (And it's not something complicate to have)

    Obviously we got some Update since Our Previous Post. But today I have the Feeling that the Team Is Mainly Gone. I don't know what your Opinion (And I didn't checked the Forum to verify if a Member Talked about it)  But Update have been Kinda Slow and Even if some Improvement have been Made, there is still a lot missing.

    Thank Again

  6. I'm really sorry if it's me who became Too old for this World But do I'm the only one HEAVILY SHOCKED ?


    For weeks now I was telling me BUT How all this Kings around me get it so Easy and me so Hard. I litterrally got up to 12 Marshalls in a 3 Provinces Kingdoms and at the opposite my opponent can get vassal who have 7+ Provinces ????

    So obviously being a Strategist I told me "Might it be a Cheat ?" And I found so easily, this 2 topics. Even 1 on the OFFICIAL Guide List.
    And all these members talking about it normally.

    So I'm asking again. Do you, in 2023, consider normal to teach kids how to Cheat ????

    Honestly it would be only in Solo, I would say "Well, let say ok"  (Even if I'm against it). But in MULTI ???? Can you explain me the point ?

    Considering I didn't see topic about it, Here on the Official Forum, I will give you the Doubt, But I'm asking:

    Do I'm the only Shocked ?
    And is there an official Statement From the Team About it ?


  7. Hello,


    So Let's start with an in mood feedback before to then be more precise.

    What the freak is wrong with Rebels and Ennemies in Solo. So after 3 whole days (And 3 or 4 Different Emperors) I have to deal with 3 wars at a time, So all alone I could deal with it but then come the dozens YES DOZENS of rebels per day I got. And this is without any doubt the first threat. I don't stop to get new rebels again and again, I have 4 Marshall just for them And I don't achieve to get these rebels as fast as they Appear. I elimiinate 1 Rebel then 2 more come each time (not really each time, but too often), So much that I can not have the time to counter strick all the ennemies Kingdoms who don't stop to harrass me.

    I precise I'm kind to often win battle up to 1 on 3 (Army rate) considering I have 3 stars troops I can handle it. But I can not have 8 Marshalls too. I already have 4 I think it's enough. And even Worst I have to deal with so much rebels that I don't see when ennemies kingdoms take my cities. I just lost 4 Cities Like this. We need a way bigger warn when someone siege each of our cities.


    Well ok that said let's recap what I think are problems:

    First the Battles (I consider that if we want to be in Knights of Honor it's first of all because we want to lead our armies as often as possible, if we don't we would be on Crusader Kind):

    1) The initiative: How can it be possible when we are under siege That the one in the Castle get initiative. It should never go this way.
    An ennemy assault our Empire, attack our villages plunder everything and then want litteraly to take control of the City and the Région. It's HIM who should always have the initiative. He want the Big reward with everything it implies SO He take It's troops and got to the walls if want it.
    There is no point to give initiative to the Defenders. He is in its Kindgom he is under siege and aggressed it's normal he stay behind the wall. There are even some moment or it was laughable. Sometime, Even when I was bringing my troops outside the Castle they wasn't attacking. Same when I go just in front of them. I litteraly have to go in the range of their archers. Could it be even more easy for the assailant ????


    2) Then The Siege itself: Why can we not lead an assault instantly and have to wait 50% of resilience or damages (I don't remenber the name) before to lead the battle ? As said above If I want to get "who have the Biggest army win" I stay on Crusader Kind, I would not be here. We should always at any point be able to join the battle and that's it. It's our tactical Skill we have to make the difference here not the Manpower size.


    3) Both combine it turn ridiculous with the Rebels who litteraly siege Castle with Peasant only.
    And obviously when we send a marshall and start the battle, they don't make a step. It's ridiculous. They are supposed to Siege. Longside the wall with Ladders, Rams, Catapult ? Did you ever see a Siege where there was people with 1 fork to 1km of the Castle with all the other doors completly free ? What are they sieging the Grass ?
    I even saw some "Sieger" Step Back in their Control point ..... LOL (Yes outside the Castle)I even saw some "sieger" Step Back in their control point ..... LOL

    4) And here come the Control Point: I don't know what is this control point fashion everywhere this past month and even year (Certainly due to LOL/DOTA and the moba kind more generally). But I don't think it have anything to do here, or at least not this way. It litteraly breack the Whole Tactic and the Battlefield too. Because currently I criticize but there are also a lot of great thing no worries.
    One them: watch out Hill, forest, and everything else before to attack the ennemies because we can easily be tricked by it. But the control point is freaking out everything. They rush it and it's over there is no fight.

    Just an exemple I got my very first battle with a whole mountain in the middle (At least an enormous hill). What did I do, I tried to climb it, telling me from their I would get an advantage (It was right in the middle of the battlefield). And what did happen ? All the ennemies troops walked around without even try to attack my squads, and rushed the control point.
    Battle over, I lost whitout even fighting (And all my troops was gone, whereas they even not encountered 1 ennemy squas). Did you ever already saw an army doing this ? Never
    This control point should not exist, or at least certainly not this way, because it breack the whole tactical part whereas it should be the opposite. The principe of Skirmish is to cost troops to the ennnemy not to control a Campement.


    5) The archers: What is wrong with them ? So some time a Cavalery charge knock them all done (Which really Great), and some other it doesn't do anything ???? Worst sometime archer run faster THAN CAVALERY ???? And come the Nightmare, Guess What .... the Mounted Archers. Uncatchable, And they shot at the same time they are running, this is NO WAY. So they are not overpowerfull but it's way too much this Mounted Archers should not be able to runaway so much.


    6) According to me the main problem is due to the fact that Squads can breack the fight (With an other Squads) when they want. When 2 squads fight (Or more) they should be locked; that's it. And then if a new squad join they try to find their way to the ennemy, but still locked as long as they are fighting.


    We can see there are Great things which happen sometime in this battle, really (And I'm an expert in this field) but currently it's a complete mess.


    7) Rank of our troops: I really like it but accordding to me when we retreat Legendary Squads should always survive. When they are legendary It should be guarranty (It was already so hard to get them at such level). In the worst case if you don't want to guarranty it we should always have an Escape Zone, and all the squads inside could retreat without any fear.
    Because already happen to me; I started a battle, as usually ennemies was more than me but their Troops was ways stronger this time. So I instantly retreated whereas I was still to my control point and ennemies was far. Guess what ? I still lost half of my squads (Veteran squads by the way). This should never happen when we are still far from the ennemies there is no reason to lose squads. Retreat is part of tactic too.


    8 ) Back to the Siege: I forgot something. How do you explain that Archers are not to the Top of the wall when we start ? How can they be lost in the middle of the Castle. Worst of all, the time it take them to go to the top of the wall The Ennemy litteraly have the time to put a ladder and climb it. It make the archer in difficulties in a Castle. And when they are to the top of the wall they should not get hurt so easily by ennemies archers. They are protected there.


    9) Allies and the diplomatie: Would be great to have allies who really do what they said they will do and send their troops to help Us in Our Kingdom (I already pay 10K Gold to an other kingdom to get support in war but I didn't see any of their troops, so maybe it was a coincidence but still we should see them more often).


    10) Then I also get dozens of War offer which destroy my reputation when I accept and fight for my allies but then my allies make peace with the ennemy. But this same ennemy declare war to me just after and this time my Ally do not want to help me. I don't know but such allies I don't like too much.

    Globally in diplomacy we don't have enough freedom. Check Grand Age Medieval or Oriental Empire, they are the best I see (I talk about the diplomacy itself) in this topic. We could really settle the agreement we want.


    11) Music: It would Great if we could avoid the Enormous pause that we have sometime. Which give a Huge silence, I personnaly do not like this too much (I precise I putted every to 80% ).


    I only focused on what bring some problems (There are certainly other troubles, do not hesitate to add your own feedback if you want). Finally I would like to precise, usually If I do NOT mention something it means I like it.

    Thank You

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  8. Hello Kights and Lords, Kings and Sovereigns,

    it might be too early but being close of the release date annoucement I would like to know if there are some serious communities (on Discord, Slack, Telegram, Mumble, or whereever ....) which plan to be active in Knights of Honor.

    I saw there was already some big communities who was talking about it but I'm talking about Serious, Strategist (And kinda RP would be a bonus) Communities, with members who plan to be Really active. Is there any out ?


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