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Posts posted by wolf-fighter

  1. well i would like to have an option once youve reached a certain size (and probably might points) to declare yourself an empire pretty much which also changes your king to a emperror (pretty much the same it does if you would be one of the 3 northern kingdoms and form kalmar ) with the difference that you decide the name yourself and sigil /flag / banner whatever and color . probably should come with some bonus to it (eh the kalmar bonus was 100 more fame/ might or something . ) anyways the point in that is not getting some bonus from it, but that you can call out an empire once youve reached a certain size as kingdom (which should already be done in the menu that you create there some possible empires to choose from then. means the shield symbol / flag . color of the countrie shown and name , it should also have an option to upload custom sigils . its kind of weird only a few kingdoms can form some other nation or empire with certain provinces and then only pick that one which changes your colors and name in something you might even dislike >.> but it puts your shitty status of kingdom higher than it was previously. (if that was an option im 100% sure someone would make the third reich with a swasistka as flag but there would also be lots of other options xD lol)

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