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Posts posted by Xdarious

  1. 15 minutes ago, Lisotte said:

    I kinda disagree with a lot here after playing a bunch of hours, but should specifically call out point 5.  In KOH1, if your opponent started a battle with a general, and you sniped the general, you won the battle.  With the bad AI, it was even worse, you could have their army chase your general to one corner, and surround their general with peasants and win the battle that way.

    Huh my bad I guess i havent played the old one in a while so dont remember that part too well, but could say what specificly you dont agree with since i wanna get other opinions and see it from another perspective just seeing that you disagree with a lot doesnt help that much in that aspect 

  2. First off I do enjoy this game and have played it as much as possible during my free time so far but as someone who spend quite a lot of time playing the old one (still have the disc somewhere :D) there are some noticeable changes that were made that i very much dislike/have an issue. For now i decided to compile them and write them down here in this post to see for the future whether stuff changes or not as well as to get some opinions on these changes from other people. Thanks for reading and giving me your time 

    1. Building slots - 4 building slots for every province and 4 more that you can unlock? why? what was wrong with  the old system where you actually build what you need in said province i remember the variety of buildings was so much more interesting than in this game, like for example a necessary building was the watchtower (or whatever it was called) that alerted you if someone else entered the province now it automatically notifies you? why? 

    2. Castles and walls - why is every castle walled and with archer towers? what happened to having to build a pallisade and then upgrading that to a stone wall which would unlock ballista towers cauldrons etc. - i miss my catapults on walls oil gates, ballista towers 😞 

    3. Siege battles - I get that i have to wait for a while to assault the castle if i dont have any siege machines, but like if i have a catapult/trebuchet hell even the ram why do I still have to wait so long before i can start the siege why not give me the option of just storming the castle. Now every time i wanna take a castle it is such a long process and gives the enemy so much time to send reinforcements even though i have the equipment and manpower to storm the castle straight away. 

    4. Marshalls/clerics/diplomats/merchants/spies - with the new addition of the diplomats i would expect  the number of slots to increase to accomodate for some being taken by the diplomat but instead the number is more limited? Why? it is so much more punishing in the late game to be forced to exile all the other classes so you can wield 9 marshalls and actually wage war/quell rebellions 

    5. Battles - Yes leaders are important but whose bloody idea was it to make it so the battle IMMEDIATELLY ends if the leader dies - what was wrong with the old system where the side with no leader or a dead one gets like a massive morale debuff (50-75%) but keep fighting. In this game with the AI as it is all battles are way too easy - AI charges their generals YOLO into you > build army of mostly archers and spearmen to hold the line > snipe general > easy win almost every land battle

    6. Governors - ok 0.1 is a little bit too brutal no? Like what even is the point of expanding past the 9 cities other than to roleplay and conquer the whole world for the lolz. Of course it has to be reduced to prevent snowball but with the current numbers it completely breaks the point of building up an empire. 

    7. Diplomacy - why cant i offer and demand something at the same time? in the old one i believe I could have offered a trade offer and demanded some payment for it. Or i could offer peace to the last enemy and demand vassalship in return. Now i can only wait for the enemy to offer me peace, decline and hope they offer vassalship? What was wrong with making it like a list system/ like total war where you can balance the offer. 

    8. No custom battles? I remember in the old game when i didnt feel like playing a campaign i could just randomize an army and fight the AI in either land battle or siege battle. Why is that gone? 

    9. In-battle interface - its great that you are showing me morale and the individual stats of each unit but why did you remove the stamina bar that was present in the first game. Now i have no idea how tired my troops are and just have to guess whether they are fresh and can charge or not, also why is the double click = charge/run system gone and now everytime i tell my troops to go somewhere i have to manually press R and even then they run for like a bit and then they stop without telling me. 

    • Confused 1
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