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Skywalker last won the day on June 18 2021

Skywalker had the most liked content!


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  1. «Kievan Rus» is also spelled incorrectly. Correct then «Kyivan Rus». It is very sad that the terms that are outdated 30 years after the collapse of the USSR are still in use ...
  2. And I would like to thank everyone who responded to this thread. I am really very glad that so many people, including outside Ukraine, have drawn attention to the problem of spelling the name of the city "Kyiv". This is a great community that fits the game! I hope we all hear it in the end! P.S. Sorry for my not very good communication in English.
  3. Some people first heard about the game and became interested in it, so it's not as bad as it seems. That's why I turned to gamers who will be potentially interested in a great game, where the capital of their country was written correctly. I am very much looking forward to it and interested in all the news.
  4. I creating only this account. But I asked in Ukrainian game chats to support my appeal to developers.
  5. Hello, after reading the eighteenth diary of developers today, I noticed that in the game the city of "Kyiv" was recorded with the Russian transcription "Kiev". But the correct translation of the name of the Ukrainian capital is "Kyiv". As a citizen of Ukraine, I am not very pleased to see the incorrect spelling of the capital of my state. Dear developers, please correct this mistake!
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