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  1. Goods and Advantages are parts that I enjoyed from KoH. But the problem is I was literally the only person doing it during the gameplay. I mean, no AI King pays attention to this or even sends any request for trading for items. So this whole concept feels very static. Getting all kingdom advantages is simply a way to win a campaign. There's just not much fun in it. So please make it more complicated this time. Have AI nations giving us some competition in the race of kingdom advantages. Also, it feels unnecessary that we need to conquer a port city to import an exotic item for kingdom advantage. Why can't we import multiple from a single port? Perhaps 3 from a single port. For Goods, I must mention that having a merchant trading a particular item that I don't produce in my lands is a waste of his talent. He should be able to trade both gold and goods. Since the number of seats at the council is limited, multitasking ability should be introduced.
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