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Everything posted by Tyrioneru

  1. Historically after the fall of the roman empire the culture and religion was a very slow process. And if you want to have some challenge on a game we need to make it as hard as possible. Unless you want a paradox type game where you can snowball. Rebellion are a key figure of the game but if you convert your population in no time your game will be without flavour.
  2. Ok my bad, maybe you do not have all subtilty of the French language and can't understand different level in this sentences. In this case third degree. My point was with this type of size provinces you can’t get and exact frontier as it was at a special time. Do you believe the current polish border in the game is accurate ? It’s not, and this is the same for Anatolia provinces, Albania etc… But if your sensibility see this as French nationalism I can’t help you on this.
  3. Le breton tu va pas nous les briser si ont doit raler sur tous les decoupages non académiques on va refaire toutes les provinces du jeux. Vous etes français messieurs et vous ne ressemblez en rien à des Bretons du 12ème siècle va falloir l'imprimer ça. 😜
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