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An “Auto Play” suggestion to all the Game Developers


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First of all, I wish to say that I have been a core player for all of my life. I love games and I enjoy all sorts of games. I absolutely love challenge too and I believe that the recent trend towards experimenting with the difficulty settings is a very good thing. That’s why I write this piece to you, as I am witnessing another trend that is growing rapidly and gains a lot of, if not all of the attention of the players.

Namely I’m talking about the Let’s play walkthroughs and of course Twitch.

All of us have been enjoying the content of the many talented folk, who put their work, either on You Tube, or on Twitch. And I certainly don’t make a difference. I usually find myself binge watching let’s plays, when I am burned out after long weeks of playing, and that is exactly when these momens of mine with these let’s plays shine bright. Then I would grab something to drink and enjoy the game, without putting in any effort to it. No challenges, no strains, no efforts, not anything that would spoil my game-movie night.

And here’s the thing – I’m not even interested in watching let’s plays, I’m definitely not interested in watching people, other than me, play the game. No, I’m interested in the game and the game alone! Whenever I watch a let’s play I usually mute the sound, as I would not want any commentary. I would like to enjoy the music and the sounds of the game, but that is oftenly not possible, to an extent. I simply want to enjoy the game, hands free and mind free!

So my suggestion is simple – a built in game lets play system, controlled by a regular, ordinary Artificial Intelligence. Just this time, I want to witness the gameplay of that said AI, as it unfolds.

I believe that the same Artificial Intelligence, which has been programmed for our adversaries, can be set to work for the player too, but this time, while the camera is rolling upon it. This would mean that we would be able to enjoy watching the computer play the game for us, while we are free to enjoy the beauty of the game, to learn and to master the game, by simple, free observation.

I don’t even care if the said AI, which I am watching wins the game or loses badly, the same way that I don’t care if the guy, making the let’s play gets his/her butt kicked! To be honest, those are the moments I enjoy most in any let’s play… But to my point! I simply want to observe, learn and behold the glory of the game. Your game!

Having a built in “auto play” option will allow players to learn the game easily, while at the same time pushing up that game play timer. More players will play the game simultaneously and that means more score for the game overall. Furthermore, the attention of the player will be exclusively involved in the game. They will learn the game, not by watching other players exploit the weaknesses of the game, but the way, in which you, dear Devs, have intended the game to be played, at first place.

I believe, that I am not asking for a groundbreaking changes. And I believe, that what I am asking for is not that hard to achieve. I’m just asking for an in-game movie night – my favorite hobby in the world!

I know that what I am suggesting may seem counter-logical and counter-productive, but please, hear me out! While game developers are struggling to make their games more and more appealing to all the players, coming closer to addiction levels even, at the same time Twitch has made millions out of players just like me. Players who want to enjoy the game, but just don’t want to play it each and every second.

Call me lazy, call me all things, call me a casual, if you will, but that won’t ever change my approach to gaming, as I am quite content and cozy with it. I will continue to play my favorite games, and I will continue to watch let’s plays, whenever I am burned out. That won’t ever change! That is, perhaps until you, dear Devs, step in and change the game of all the games!

Thank You for reading this suggestion and I wish you good health and best of luck in your future projects!


Kind Regards!


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